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Allegiant Stadium

Allegiant Stadium

we build las vegas, NV

Opened in 2020, Allegiant Stadium is the home field of the NFL’s Las Vegas Raiders. The facility features 65,000 seats, a retractable natural turf field, a translucent roof and walls that open to spectacular views of the Strip. To complete the $1.97 billion project, nearly 1,100 local apprentices were utilized in the completion of this $1.97 billion project, giving them valuable on-the-job learning opportunities.

Brightline West

Brightline West

we build las vegas, nv

Brightline West will be America’s first true high-speed passenger rail system. The modern, eco-friendly system will redefine train travel in America and connect two of our country’s most iconic destinations: Las Vegas and Southern California. Construction is expected to take about four years with service beginning in 2028.

Sphere at The Venetian

Sphere at The Venetian

we build las vegas, nv

One of the most talked-about venues in the world, Sphere at The Venetian is the next generation of Las Vegas entertainment. This revolutionary, fully immersive cinematic, musical and entertainment experience was created by combining centuries-old mathematical formulas with 22nd century engineering and technology.



we build las vegas, nv

At 68 stories, Fontainebleau Las Vegas is the second-tallest structure in Nevada, just under the Stratosphere observation tower. This ultra-luxurious, $3.7 Billion resort stretches across 25 acres of the North Vegas Strip, with 3,780 rooms, a 150,000 square-foot casino, 90,000 square-foot of luxury retail space, a high-tech nightclub and more inside.



we build las vegas, nv

When it opened to the public in June 2021, Resorts World became the first completely new casino resort built on the Vegas Strip in more than a decade. The 90-acre, $4.3 Billion Resorts World complex offers some 3,500 luxury hotel rooms by Hilton, Crockfords and Conrad, a 104,000-square-foot casino floor, several cutting-edge entertainment venues and so much more.



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